The Keto Lifestyle

By: Dr. Gary Huber & Chelsea Dorsett, R.D., L.D.

Posted 01/01/2022

What to expect from a Ketogenic nutritional lifestyle:

  • Decrease Inflammation throughout the body
  • Lasting Weight Loss
  • Improve Energy and Stamina
  • Improve Mood & Sleep
  • Better cognition and brain health
  • Reverse Diabetes & Hypertension
  • Restore Intestinal (Bowel) Health
  • Reduced joint pain
  • Discovery of Food Intolerances
  • Slows the rate of aging.   

There are a few simple dietary truths that when followed will always allow for healing and when ignored will most certainly invite disease. The human body has certain requirements that cannot be ignored. So, let’s begin here and understand that the whole topic of nutrition can be as simple or as complex as you like. I prefer simple. Don't get caught up in trying to live by so many rules that it becomes frustrating or difficult.

A ketogenic diet simply means we will seek 70% of our total calories from fat and enjoy the benefits of our body turning fat into ketones which we use as fuel. Our body will preferentially burn off our fat stores. When you burn fat in the absence of sugar or carbs your body makes ketones (BHB and acetoacetate). If you do this for a sustained period of time such as hours or days then you go into what is called “Ketosis”. This is a natural and healthy metabolism and many experts agree that cavemen spent much of their life in a state of ketosis. This only occurs if you are simultaneously taking in a very low level of carbohydrates from the foods you eat.  If you introduce a high carbohydrate source then your body naturally turns off the fat burning process and stops making ketones.

Common misconception: “ketosis is dangerous”. Nothing could be further from the truth. This misconception stems from a simple misunderstanding of the difference between Type 1 diabetics generating a dangerous “ketoacidosis” state, which is a special state beyond what non-Type 1 diabetics are even capable of. Ketoacidosis can only occur if you are devoid of insulin which only occurs in Type 1 diabetes. For the rest of us, producing ketones as fuel is a very natural and health state of existence.

Guideline #1:  Whole food versus Processed food

Whole food simply means that it came right out of the ground, off of a tree or is a piece of an animal. It is natural, untainted by human hands or processing. This is our richest source or nutrition and contains thousands of nutrients that are destroyed when we take that food into a factory for processing.

Processed food is anything that comes in a box, bag, or can. Bread is a processed grain that has been genetically modified and comes from a factory. Even homemade bread is not natural as the grain used is hybridized and the flour is processed. Man was never intended to eat grain in any significant amount. As cavemen, we had no access to any grains. Man hybridized plants to produce grains and cultivated ways to multiply them. Want to read more on this topic? I strongly recommend the book Wheat Belly” by William Davis. Man created wheat, not God.

Your goal is to focus on eating simple whole foods such as proteins, vegetables, nuts, beans, seeds, fruit and healthy fats. Yes, fats are healthy if you avoid the “processed” ones. A slight exception here is that coconut oil and olive oil are squeezed from the plant so by definition “processed” but we consider them very healthy. As cavemen our forefathers ate a LOT of fat and science would tell us that fat is the most natural and cleanest burning fuel for the human body. Man is not built to burn carbs, we get sick on a diet high in carbs and there is no such thing as an essential carb.  Obviously further definition on what constitutes a carb is needed (and coming).

A short list of healthy fats include: olives and olive oil, coconut and coconut oil, avocados and avocado oil, nuts and seed, natural meats from any animals including fish, eggs and yes our delightful favorite, butter.  NOT margarine which is man made.

Guideline #2:  Water is water and nothing else is. Drink water.

If you have a dog or a cat, what do you give it to drink? Water of course but what else? Gatorade, juicy juice, chocolate milk, coffee, Coke/Pepsi, Rock Star, etc? No of course not. Why not, don't you love your pet? Well of course you do but you realize that these things might make them sick. Yes, you are right, and they make humans sick too. Possibly our pets are smarter than us as they would never drink soda pop even if offered. There are only two beverages on the planet that can claim healthy attributes – water and green tea. I will accept an honorable mention for red wine but we need to exercise caution in the amount consumed. So, develop a taste and a love for real, filtered, fresh, unadulterated water. It is truly life-saving. If your tap water tastes nasty then read the article on water filters.  My water tastes delicious.

“But my soda pop, sweet tea, Gatorade, etc. has water in it so therefore it counts as water”. I will be blunt . . . that is insane. If you sweet tea is water then bathe in it and wash your clothes in it. Water is water and nothing else is. Your body knows the difference.  Trust me.

Guideline #3: Fat is the cleanest burning fuel for the human body.

What a shocking statement!!  For decades our governmental agencies shouted from the roof tops to eat whole grains and avoid dangerous fats. It is so deeply ingrained in our psyche that we use words like ingrained. But its unfortunately a lie and needs to be addressed. Did you know that in the 1920’s, a heart attack was rare and people died from all types of other illnesses but rarely coronary heart disease? Today it's the #1 killer. What changed? Lots of things but primary our foods. Processed foods and abundant GRAINS. Wheat changed dramatically in 1943 due to hybridization and the sugar content went thru the roof. We moved away from healthy butter and turned to lots of processed fats and a new thing called “margarine” which is man-made hydrogenated fat.

Look what happened in the 70’s, 80’s and 90’s. We were warned to reduce fat and we ate tons of “Fat-Free” fake foods loaded with whole grains and carbs and as a nation we got FAT!!!  Studies confirm that when you tell someone to avoid fat they replace those calories with more CARBS. We also got diabetes in record numbers, saw cancer explode and became the sickest people on the planet. We were told that eggs were bad so we ate toast and cereal and we got FAT and diabetic!!!  We started buying all our foods in packages that had additives and removed the fat and instead loaded with carbs . . .  FAT FAT FAT!!! You know it’s true and you watched it happen.  Enough!!!  Let’s get lean and let’s eat what our body is intended to burn. God did not create Nabisco or Coke, the good Lord created plants and animals.

The concept that are meant to burn fat is seen in our biochemistry.  When we take in carbs they can quickly convert to sugar and be used as fuel but it is “dirty” fuel that creates a lot of oxidative stress or “free radicals” that oxidize (rust) the body. It creates inflammation in our blood vessels leading to plaque, inflammation in our joints leading to arthritis and inflammation in our brain leading to mood disorders and Alzheimers.

Our body has essential fats and essential proteins that we need to eat as we can’t make them in our body but there is NO such thing as an essential carbohydrate. We can easily and reliably make all the energy we need by burning fat. It is a much more stable fuel source and burns clean without producing oxidation that damages tissue. The brain greatly prefers fats as fuel. Ask any neurologist what diet they recommend for seizure patients or cognitive declining patients and they will tell you Ketogenic.

Cancer cells hate the ketogenic diet because cancer cells can only feed off of carbs exclusively. Any oncologist will tell you that a ketogenic diet reduces risk for cancer and is the ideal diet for treating cancer patients.

Your body is only capable of storing about 500 grams of glycogen (stored glucose) to be used as a reserve fuel in emergency situations, but it can stored thousands of grams of fat as this is the preferred fuel that it relies on day in and day out. So what happens when we eat carbs, wheat, bread, crackers, pasta or sugar? Our body has to make insulin to shove that sugar into our cells and store it as fat.  Insulin tells the body to STOP BURNING FAT. So fat is the preferred fuel but if sugar is available then our body will make certain to store it as fat for later use.

Won’t fat cause my cholesterol to rise and cause a heart attack? No, not if you are eating healthy fat such as olive oil, avocado, coconut oil, and omega 3 fats and avoiding carbs. Even saturated fat is fine and easily used by our body. In fact one of the best ways to increase your healthy HDL cholesterol, the fragment associated with heart attack risk REDUCTION, is to eat more saturated fat. The Boeing study in 2000 proved that women should never be on a low fat diet as they process fats differently than men and are healthier when they eat more saturated fat.

Fats do NOT cause heart attacks, and this has been documented in medical studies for decades.  Cholesterol does NOT cause heart attacks. So what causes heart attacks, strokes, Alzheimers, diabetes, arthritis and cancer?  INFLAMMATION!!!  And what causes inflammation? Carbs, wheat, bread, crackers, pasta, sugar, and processed foods. Remember there were no heart attacks until man developed processed margarine, processed wheat, sugar, and ate excessive carbs.

Guideline #4:  Vegetables are GOOD carbs vs Wheat & Sugar are BAD carbs

Vegetables such as lettuce, broccoli, green beans, carrots, cucumbers, kale, cauliflower, radish, celery and dozens more are amazing foods that help your body to detoxify and heal.  We exclude corn and potato from this group as those 2 are high carb foods and corn is nearly 100% genetically modified making it a monster and not a food. GOOD vegetables are essential and a strong part of a good Keto diet.

Guideline #5:  Grains = Sugar

Much to your potential disappointment, the foods you often find comfort in are the very foods that are poisoning you. We find comfort because we are addicted to them.  These grains such as wheat, barley, corn, rice and others turn to sugar in mere seconds after swallowing. Sugar hits pleasure centers in our brain signaling euphoria and much like a narcotic it creates a reward cascade. Like a monkey in a cage we hit the grain lever over and over trying to smoothie our stress by drowning in sugar. If you doubt this then all you need do is experiment with your own physiology. Give up all grains and all sugar for 4 weeks and tell me what happens to your headaches, joint pain, bloating, mood and cravings. Amazing. It's a simple switch that triggers an addiction.

To some people these changes seem daunting at first. Take a breath, relax and allow yourself to accept this ideology as the best path and in fact the only path toward true ideal health. It is not “hard” it is simply “new” and we will help you every step of the way. Little by little, baby steps, and you will slowly see the ease of living this lifestyle. It is truly a lifestyle and not some short-term wacky diet just hoping to lose 20 pounds. Take slow gradual steps to achieve the best outcome.

To help get you started, we recommend that you keep track of your daily diet by writing down what you eat. Be Honest! In order to set goals, it is important to be aware of your current habits. The goal is to replace the poorer food choices below with foods that are more beneficial to overall health.

Avoid all of the following: (better to focus on what you CAN eat)

  • Items high in sugar (high fructose corn syrup, honey, maple syrup, fructose, sucrose, dextrose etc…)
  • Items high in carbohydrates (bagels, buns, pasta, breadsticks, sandwich bread, wraps, cereal, rice, potatoes, pancakes, pretzels and yes even fruit.)
  • Items made from allergenic cow’s milk proteins (cheese, milk, cottage cheese, yogurt, sour cream etc..). We will discuss later how to reintroduce cheese.
    • Cheese is often a frequent ingredient in a Keto diet.
  • Items made with wheat flour, even whole wheat flour is very high in carbohydrates.
    • Don’t get sucked into the “it’s WHOLE grain therefore healthy” trap.
  • Excess intake of fruit (berries are allowable in small amount).
  • Excess intake of alcohol (more then 1 drink a day).  Less alcohol is better.
  • Processed foods (microwave meals, canned foods, pre-packaged foods)
  • Any food that contains MSG, monosodium glutamate, yeast extracts, trans fats identified by hydrogenated and partially hydrogenated oils and high fructose corn syrup.

What the heck am I going to eat!?!??

What Do I Eat?

A lower carbohydrate, anti-allergen diet is very similar to the diet our caveman ancestors ate before the agricultural revolution. It is centered on foods that you can kill or grow. Here is a list of the foods that research has confirmed are the best bets for human health:

  • Healthy Fats: olive oil, butter, avocado, coconut are some of the best.
    • Avoid vegetable oils in general such as canola, corn, cottonseed oil.
    • Healthy fats from nuts and seeds
    • Fish oil and fats from animal meats are fine. (not processed lunch meat)
    • Best fats: avocado, coconut, butter, olive, meat and nut butters.
  • Animal Proteins (eggs, chicken, grass-fed beef, wild caught fish, pork etc.). Anything with a mother is fair game. And yes, eggs are healthy. The whole egg.
  • Vegetables in abundance! (Avoid potatoes or corn in the diet due to their sugar content). There are dozens of different vegetables. A wide variety of colors, textures, tastes, and flavors. Expand your experience and try them all.
  • Nuts/Seeds of all kinds. They contain healthy fats.
  • Fruit – kept to a minimum.  Berries are OK but let’s talk later about other fruit.
  • Pure 100% Whey protein powder or egg or rice or pea protein powder sweetened with Stevia or Xylitol. Good quality protein powder that doesn’t have fructose, sugar, or toxic sweeteners like sucralose, aspartame, or acesulfame-K.
  • Beans such as black, white, red, pinto, kidney, adzuki, etc. can be engaged but let’s keep them to a minimum. It's a healthy food as it is the highest fiber food on the planet but a heavy carb load. Great for athletes that need to refuel. More on that later.

In order to avoid added pesticides, hormones and antibiotics we always recommend that all food be organic. If you are on a budget or have limited exposure to stores that carry organic foods, make buying organic animal proteins your priority. Research local farms in your area that sell organic meat and eggs. A website called “eat Wild .com” will list organic farms in your area. Some crops receive more pesticides and herbicides than others leading to higher levels of toxins. Here is list of the 12 MOST contaminated fruits and vegetables: 

  • Peaches, apples, sweet bell peppers, celery, nectarines, strawberries, cherries, pears, grapes, spinach, lettuce and potatoes.
  • Always buy the organic variety of this toxic group. If you were to buy organic versions of these items you could reduce your intake of toxic pesticides and herbicides by 80%. See our article on the “Dirty Dozen” on this website.

It can be difficult getting started when making such sweeping change so let us walk you thru it ONE step at a time.  If you aren’t ready to quit your unhealthy choices cold turkey, start by implementing changes one meal at a time. Because of the influence that cortisol has on blood sugar and insulin levels in the morning we feel that your food choices at breakfast are the most important of the day. Replacing your high carbohydrate breakfast foods such as cereal, yogurt, toast, or granola (all high glycemic foods) with organic eggs prepared with vegetables, like onions and peppers or spinach, is an excellent place to start. Another great option is a protein shake made with whey protein, ¼ to ½ cup organic berries, 2 Tbsp ground flax seeds (not flax oil) or chia seeds  blended with water or unsweetened almond or organic soy milk.  If you need help here then reach out to one of HippEvo’s dietitians. Chelsea Dorsett is a world class dietitian, health coach and integrative practitioner. Also review our Breakfast Options article for ideas.

Here is a sample 1 day meal plan to model:

Breakfast:  2 eggs scrambled. Eaten with salsa and 1 organic sausage link. Coffee or tea can be enjoyed as long as they are not sweetened with sugar. Stevia, erythritol, or xylitol is an acceptable natural sweetener if desired. Consider adding coconut oil or butter to your coffee. Yes, its an acquired taste but a great way to fuel your brain and get more healthy fat fuel.

Lunch:  Large vegetable salad with organic chicken, avocado, and Italian dressing or olive oil based dressing or simply flavor infused olive oil.   Or consider organic chili served with raw veggies. Water to drink or unsweetened ice tea (preferably green tea).

Snack:  1 serving (about ¼ cup) of nuts such as almonds, walnuts, pistachios etc… Or celery stick dipped into almond butter. Or if you are a coffee lover try adding coconut oil and butter (or Ghee) to your coffee for the added healthy fat. Great way to satisfy your appetite.  We will show you later how to make a “Fat Bomb” snack . . . delicious!!

Dinner:  4-6 oz Grilled wild-caught salmon or grass-fed beef burger without the bun. Served with a large salad, olive oil dressing and 1-2 sides of cooked vegetables such as green beans or asparagus flavored with real butter. Water to drink or maybe a glass of red wine occasionally.

Need a sweet treat? A small amount of dark chocolate (>70% cocoa) can be enjoyed but try not to make it a daily need. Or you might try fruit-based dessert such as blue or black berries covered with full fat coconut milk. Sprinkle with cinnamon or stevia. The HippEvo Keto Cookbook is available to members and loaded into this website under the  Virtuoso tab.

Water should be consumed throughout the day. A starting point of 70 ounces is a good goal. Tea & Coffee can also be consumed in moderation but does not count as water intake. For every cup of coffee you consume add another 8 ounces of water to your daily total as the caffeine will lead to water loss via increased urination.

If you want a guided tour with weekly information and accountability then look at the Virtuoso Weight Loss Program. Chelsea Dorsett can help with meal planning, answer questions and provide endless options to truly personalize this to YOUR lifestyle. Chelsea can also assess your need for possible food allergy testing and provide treatment options when needed to reverse food allergies.

In Summary, improving your diet is the single most direct way to change your health, avoid degenerative disease and reduce excess weight. It allows you to take control of your life and success here will spill over into other areas of your life. You can stop being a victim to food manufacturers and decide how you want to live your life. It's a choice. It's a declaration. I leave you with one final thought – my favorite quote:

“Impossible is just a big word thrown around by small men who
find it easier to live in the world they've been given than

to explore the power they have to change it.
Impossible is not a fact. It's an opinion.
Impossible is not a declaration. It's a dare.
Impossible is potential.
Impossible is temporary.
Impossible is nothing.

Author:  Muhammad Ali

Food and health are intimately connected. It is hard to gain vitality, energy and longevity when eating a poor diet. Make your food choices a priority and take control.

Here is a list of healthy goals to tackle everyday:

State these ideals daily until they are a part of who you are.

 I am going to cast grains OUT of my diet. Grains are toxins and not food.  
           I refuse to remain addicted to grains and starches.  I own me.
          Starchy carbs such as cereal, bread, waffles, bagels, or pancakes are GONE.  

It is so easy to get adequate water each day that I am going to drink 60 to 80 ounces      each and every day.

 I am going to eat at least 5 vegetable servings every day.
          Preferably 6 or 7 vegetables daily.  This is a real “difference maker”.
          1 serving = 1 cup raw or ½ cup cooked

 I am going to get quality source of protein and fat at every meal.

 I am avoiding processed foods. I seek and enjoy REAL food that doesn't come with
            a nutrition label.

 I am going to eat “organic” whenever possible.

 I am avoiding allergenic wheat and milk products.

 I have set my goals and I visualize myself living a fit and healthy life. It empowers me as I refuse to play the role of “victim”.

 I have set some exercise goals that are fun and achievable.
          Motion effects Emotion. Move your body to lighten your mood and melt away stress.

To access ALL of our great information on how to easily engage a ketogenic plan simply engage a HippEvo Membership.  We will be with you every step of the way providing updates and ongoing support and tools. Or work directly with one of the HippEvo dietitians in our Virtuoso weight loss program

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