Weight Loss

Glycemic Index - what does it mean?

The glycemic index shows how fast any food turns to sugar. This is critical for understanding food choices.

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Ketogenic "FAT" Coffee (How to video)

How to make delicious "FAT" coffee for a ketogenic diet, using MCT oil & collagen.

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Ozone Therapy - Amazing Benefits

Medical Ozone therapy offers a wide range of benefits and applications. Is it right for you?

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Fructose Containing Foods List

Simple listing of the highest fructose foods to avoid

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ONE POUND Holiday Program

Eat all of your favorite holiday treats and still lose weight. Possible? Absolutely. All that is required is the right strategy.

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How to Measure Ketones. Am I in Ketosis?

Don’t assume you are in ketosis. KNOW it by measuring.

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Fasting, Autophagy, and You

There a lot of talk about fasting these days but if you need clarity then start here. Lets discuss the why and how’s of fasting so you can decide if its right for you.

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Fructose – troublesome nutrient driving disease

Fructose from fruit is a very powerful driver for weight gain. Ask any hibernating bear.

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Myths & Reality of Ketogenic Diet

General introduction video explaining the simplicity of a Keto diet and WHY you might consider it. Health and longevity benefits.

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Ketogenic Grocery List

Keep the pantry stocked with the right foods to make this journey easier.

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Benefits of Exercise – The Entire Mind & Body Wins

Exercise has huge impact well beyond weight loss

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The Keto Lifestyle

The way we were built to eat . . . and THRIVE!!

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Ketogenic Introduction

An introduction to new thinking on ancient nutrition

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Tracking Habits to Radically Change Your Results – Part 1

Anything in your life that you deem important, you have tracked. You can NOT manage or improve something until you measure it. What gets measured gets done.

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Holiday Eating - Top 10 list of Tools

Sharp tools on point for keeping the holiday bright but the waist line trim.

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The Craving Brain - Tame the Beast

Everybody CRAVES something but how do we derail that craving beast and control our desires?

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Macronutrient List for Ketogenic Diet

Tables listing fat/protein/carb content for common meal options. How am I to get the fat I desire?

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Owning Your Own Life – Letting go of Excuses

It's never too late to make better decisions and change the course of your health.

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Ketogenic Sweet Treats

Who doesn't enjoy the occasional sweet treat? Live a little without falling into the gutter.

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10 Simple steps to permanent weight loss. Welcome to L.E.A.D.-ville

Simple steps taken consistently make a long journey easy and enjoyable. Stop struggling and start relaxing into weight loss.

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Mouth Taping to Enhance Nasal Breathing and Nitric Oxide.

Get rid of SNORING with a 2 cent piece of tape. Sound odd? Yes it is but it's backed by scientific study and works right now.

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Ketogenic Nutrition Plan

For “Geeks” who love numbers – a look behind the curtain.

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8 Healthy Foods that aren't Healthy

Check out these 8 foods that are marketed to be "health" foods

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Time Restricted Feeding "Advanced" Part 2

Layering additional strategies to rocket boost results.

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Eggs are Good For you

Eggs are NOT associated with risk for heart disease and in fact will aid your efforts to lose weight and reduce your risk for diabetes

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Time Restricted Feeding Part 1

It’s not always WHAT you eat but WHEN you eat that makes a big difference.

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Zone 2 Exercise - The "Fat Burning" Zone

Whats the best overall exercise tool for losing weight and living longer? Zone 2 better be in your bag of tricks.

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Big Fat Failure – Big Fat Teacher

Failure is such a great teacher . . . if you are willing to be a student

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Breakfast Ideas

Starting your day WITHOUT carbs has strong advantages for weight loss and reversing diabetes.

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Intermittent Fasting

Fasting is one of the most powerful ways to reduce glucose and insulin as you slow the rate of aging.

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Get Your Head Right

Whats going on between your ears? Beliefs drive actions which drive results.

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Nutrition Score Card

How healthy do you eat? Score your nutrition intake

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Dirty Dozen vs Clean 15

You could easily reduce the pesticide and herbicide content of your food 80% by avoiding the "Dirty Dozen". Organic matters.

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